In carrying on the traditions of our forebears and preserving their memories, we can only enrich ourselves as they smile upon our deeds. There exists no better way to honor ancestors than to carry on the work of their lives. We create continuity that lasts and remains untouched by the whims of passing eras. Scherschel descendants have lived their lives in such a manner for centuries by generously giving through various professions, religious efforts and social undertakings. Below is a small but genuine group of ways in which descendants or the public may continue the work and traditions of Scherschel ancestors. Scherschel descendants from around the world are encouraged to bring to the global family’s attention those efforts that have lasted for generations and are notable for inclusion.

Tradition and Memory

Timeless and irreplaceable gifts that let us combine the past with the future while we live them in the present.

As a work of mercy, the Scherschel family monitors and restores headstones from the earliest generations whose monuments may have deteriorated with time. A list of current monuments in need of repair and how to help follows on the Benefaction page by clicking the image above.

Since 1890, the North American branch of the Scherschel family has gathered continuously to maintain and expand our familial ties. Other gatherings occasionally occur throughout the USA as well. To see how you may help support this continuing tradition, please click on the image above.

Branches of the Scherschel global family pride themselves on supporting noteworthy religious and secular causes to improve our world. A roster of spiritual and philanthropic efforts which may be donated to follows on the Benefaction page by clicking the image above.


endeavors image

Beginning with the first photographic record of a Scherschel gathering in 1890 (brothers Nicholas and Joseph Rudolph Scherschel with their sons and nephews at their staves factory in Lagro, Indiana), seven generations in North America are bound together through time. Since official annual gatherings started in 1958, our cherished tradition reminds us of the sacrifices our ancestors made and allows us to reaffirm our mutual ties. By following the arrow link, we offer a stroll down memory lane to see the collective history of our reunions in North America from the past.


Commemorating Scherschel heritage of two centuries in North America and nine in Europe, Scherschel descendants are welcome to purchase the following mementos, apparel or stationery to honor our common lineage. The custom designed items reflect the genuine historical characteristics of the global family. All profits go directly toward Scherschel monuments restoration or the philanthropic causes listed on the website.